Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Clojure....here I come!!

So, on July 15th, I'll be starting my new position at Red Hat, working as a Quality Engineer on the subscription-manager team.  One may be wondering why I would leave a hot product like Openstack to go into the relatively obscure quality team.  One word:  clojure.

I'll get to do clojure and be paid for it (and not have to be skunkworks)!  That alone is sufficient reason for me to have wanted to take on this role.  I'm pretty stoked about it, but my clojure has gotten a little rusty in the last few months.  If it wasn't for some hy code I was writing, I'd probably have forgotten a lot.

For example, for fun, I'm working on my first ever web application.  I wanted to do something fun because I've never made a web application before (I know...almost 9 years into my career, and I've never made a web app before).  So I am finally turning my role playing game ideas into a web app.  I saw this site that is a virtual roleplaying table and that looked cool.  But I'm far from that, and decided to just work on implementing characters and rules in clojure first.  Since part of my calculation requires working with exponents (yes, this game will require a computer), I thought it'd be neat to make a lazy exponent calculator.  I wanted something like this:

(take 4 (lazy-expt 2)) => (1 2 4 8)

And I was very confused about how to go about doing it.  Of course, lazy-seq was something I needed, but I couldn't figure out how to accumulate my results.  I really didn't want to force the user to pass in an accumulator.  That's when multiple-arity functions made me see the light.

(defn lazy-expt
  "Lazy sequence for exponents"
   (let [orig 1
           acc (* base orig)]
      (cons orig (lazy-expt base orig)))))
  ([base acc]
   (let [total (* base acc)]
       (cons total (lazy-expt base total))))))

The multiple arity allowed me to not require the user to pass in an accumulated result.  I very rarely use multiple arity methods and instead tend to use methods with default params or extra params (ie using & in the argument vector).

Just for fun, I'll start working on finding square (and other) roots to a number although the methods to do that look a lot more difficult.

I am currently learning luminus, clojurescript, webgl and HTML5.  I discovered that browsers have an experimental ability to get access to the webcam and microphone.  One thing I hate is forcing users to use flash, applet or plugin for that.  And instead of a 2d table mat, I want a 3d environment.  I'm also boning up on the OrientDB graph database, because that's what I'm going to use to store data.

I'm stoked.  It's an ambitious project, but as my grandfather used to say "shoot for the stars, hit the moon".  Or, "if it comes to you easily, it isn't worth it".  

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