I realized at work today that I have done more recursive functions in the last 5 months than in my 4 years of working, 3 years of school, and my 1yr of programming prior to going to school (notice how employers never count the programming you did in school?). I actually ran into a perplexing problem that at first I thought I could solve iteratively, but I eventually wound up doing recursively.
The hardest part for me about recursion is knowing where in the call stack I am, and knowing when I should return some value I want. For example, let's do a simple interest calculator function in python...
def calcInterest(principal, savings, interest, years):
yearly_interest = principal * interest
principal += savings + yearly_interest
print "%d: Principal = %d\n" % (years, principal)
if years:
calcInterest(principal, savings, interest, (years - 1))
return principal
Do you see the problem with the above function? No? Look at the return. It appears that the base case is when years == 0, so we fall into the else statement and we return the principal right?
Not exactly. Remember what we are actually doing...we are chaining together a series of functions, so ask yourself what really is returning? The correct function would be this:
def calcInterest(principal, savings, interest, years):
yearly_interest = principal * interest
principal += savings + yearly_interest
print "%d: Principal = %d\n" % (years, principal)
if years:
return calcInterest(principal, savings, interest, (years - 1))
return principal
I have been bitten enough by this that I thought I would pass it along. Of course, recursion in a language like python or Java which has mutable objects is different from clojure where the objects are immutable. So how would I write a interest calculate in clojure?
(defn calc-interest
[ principal savings interest years ]
(loop [ p principal
y years ]
(if (= 0 y)
(recur (+ (* p interest) savings p) (dec y)))))
[ principal savings interest years ]
(loop [ p principal
y years ]
(if (= 0 y)
(recur (+ (* p interest) savings p) (dec y)))))
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